Nicky hat mich und meinen Mann schon in vielen schwierigen, emotionalen Momenten begleitet. Ihre sanfte, aber bestimmte Art, Menschen zu unterstützen, ermöglicht es mir, zu wachsen und neue Perspektiven zu gewinnen. Sie bringt mich immer wieder zurück in mein Herz, zu meiner Essenz, ob in einer 1:1 Session oder in einer Familien-Aufstellung. Ich habe mich von der ersten Sekunde an von Nicky gehalten und gesehen gefühlt und kann gleichermassen von ihrem grossen Wissen als auch ihrer intuitiven Weisheit so viel lernen. Mit ihrem schallenden Lachen hilft sie mir immer wieder, mich sofort zu entspannen. Wenn ich im Kopf oder in einem Muster gefangen bin, bringt sie mich mit wenigen Worten dazu, über mein Ego zu steigen und wieder in mein Herz zu kommen.
Nicky hat die Gabe auf allen Ebenen ihr Gegenüber aufs Tiefste zu erfassen und auf den Kern zu stossen. Sie begleitet achtsam, voller Licht und stets in Ehre sei es in Einzel-, Gruppensessions oder Retreats. Auf dem Weg zu sich selbst, zurück zum Herzen, unterstützt Nicky mit viel Hingabe, fundierter Erfahrung und voller Freude. Für ihre langjährige Begleitung und den therapeutischen Austausch danke ich ihr von Herzen.
Ich war mehrfach an den Aufstellungs-Seminaren von Nicky dabei. Nicky führt mit Hingabe, feinem Gespür und kompetent durch die Aufstellungen. Es geschieht Heilung und Veränderung bei jeder Aufstellung. Es ist schön zu erleben, wie alle Seminarteilnehmer/innen sich aufgehoben, gesehen und verstanden fühlen. Ich danke Nicky für diese wundervolle und schöne Arbeit. Gerne komme ich wieder.
Nicky’s langhährige spirituelle Erfahrung spiegelt sich im intuitiven Heilen auf (allen) energetischen Ebenen ab. Sie findet stets die richtigen Worte und Methoden, um einen Samen für mehr Zufriedenheit, Glück und Gesundheit zu setzen.
Ich kenne Nicky schon länger und durfte nun Ihre Arbeit mal eins zu eins kennenlernen. Ehrlich gesagt fehlen mir die Worte, die es annähernd beschreiben könnten was mit mir geschah. Ich bin wirklich sehr beeindruckt über Ihre Arbeit und was es mit mir gemacht hat. Ich fühle mich befreit, beflügelt und unendlich dankbar liebe Nicky! Du bist toll!
Nicky ist ein wundervoller Mensch der mit Lebensfreude, Empathie und ihrer liebenvollen Art mit mir zusammen einige schwere Themen angegangen ist. Ich hatte keine Erwartungen, bin jedoch glücklich das sich unsere Wege gekreuzt haben, da sie mir aus einer schweren Krise geholfen hat. Danke Nicky ❤️☀️
I’ve attended several of Nicky’s ceremonies and am truly grateful for these experiences. Nicky has this ability of opening and holding a space in which the participants can drop back and explore their inner self to find whatever out to be found. With her unique gift of tuning in and communicating heart-to-heart, Nicky’s ceremonies have been truly eye opening for me and have helped me tremendously in letting go of the past and to begin again, living with an open and peaceful heart. Thank you for being such a remarkable teacher, Nicky.
Last year I had the honor of attending the very incredible and deep work of Group Constellation Therapy with Nicky Schuller at The Looking Glass Basel. I had no previous experience beyond a one on one constellation session with someone else that honestly was not my thing. I showed up for the roles of the stand ins for the constellators to work with. Well we worked it together. The level of insight, clearing of energy, and shifting paradigms was mindblowing, no matter which role you took. I highly recommend joining her constellation days.
What an awesome and profound day [Familienstellen-Tag] we had together. Thank you for the loving, gentle and intuitive guidance, and all that could happen. I have felt the imprint of something new working in me.
Working with Nicky has been such an asset for my personal, inner work. She possesses not only wisdom, knowledge and experience, but also a loving, soft, generous approach contained within a very tangible grounded nature, filled with clarity and direction.Her approach is whimsical, with tons of lightness and humor, yet very powerful and direct.She is so connected to the numinous as she is to the matter, physical realm; an intuitive that can skillfully navigate both light and shadow while supporting and holding space for others.I’m so grateful for her support, the work that we’ve done together, and for our paths to have crossed again ✨
I am grateful with the universe to have led me to Nicky in a moment in my life when I needed the most. I met Nicky a few years back, during one of her powerful yoga classes, and later I had the opportunity to take part in one of her retreats. I have had a difficult break-up and believed that I was unworthy, I was hurt and afraid of going deeper into my heart. Nicky showed back then not to be afraid of my shadows and darker places, and how to shed light and love those uncomfortable feelings as well. One of the most vivid transformational tools in my life have been systemic constellations, I remember being mesmerized the first time I was constellate by Nicky, not only because it was done from a place of love and high-consciousness, but because of how deep transformative and liberating it felt. After that first constellation, my life started to transform deeply. I was not afraid of myself anymore. I fell in love with systemic constellation so much that I decided to start a deepening and remembering program with her about constellations.
Nicky has assisted me deeply in getting to know parts of myself that I didn’t know of and to remember my inner power and my galactic nature. In one of our most recent private sessions, we had an intense but amazing connection to my galactic being. It was astonishing to feel all that connection, energy and light going through my body and to feel the high-vibrational state that we were both in. We were both surprised and ecstatic with the experience
Through her open-heartedness, Nicky has assisted my to shift and deeply transform my life. She has become my spiritual guide and my soul tribe.
Dear Nicky, I am sending light words of kindness and gratitude for your recent session. I loved it. You create such a sacred, safe space with your energy and voice to allow for commplete letting go. It was beautiful, moving, profound and loving. Thank you. xxx
I met Nicky as a yoga teacher giving classes in the office place for me and my co-workers. In only a few years she turned from that into an essential guide in my life. Nicky works with an open heart in all levels with all people. She assited me with her deep knowledge and experience in spiritual and energy work, systemic constellations, light work and much more. She’s a lifelong learner and one of the best listeners I had the pleasure to meet. She will listen to you, be open to learn and help you to find the resonance to your questions in your heart. Deep gratitude for having her in my life and happy to see she keeps connecting with other beautiful beings in their soul path!